Meadow's Gun Cases

In my countless hours searching the web I find things that are not EXACTLY airgun related but this one bears mentioning. These look like very high quality cases and after some correspondence from the owner I understand that they are made here in Texas...not imported. Which is a surprise after looking at their prices. I think I will order one and see.

Display Cases

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6X9 9X12 6X18 8X18 8X24X3
This are a small sample of the display cases that they have on their web site. All of them come in Oak, Walnut or Cedar. 

 Foam inserts come in Black, Blue, Green, Burgundy and Red:

Gun Stands

display_gun4.gif (127901 bytes) display_gun6.gif (148826 bytes)
4 Pistol Stand 6 Pistol Stand
Both models come in either red or green felt and are offered in solid oak or walnut.


This is a very small sampling of the products that Meadows offers. Please visit their web site for more products and prices.


Meadows Display Cases

151 FCR 254, Oakwood, TX  75855-5160

Phone: 800-362-9773 * Fax 903-389-5922


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