APRIL 18 & 19, 2009

What an unbelievable event! Two days of good shooting, good food and good friends. What could possibly be better than that? We had people coming in from all over the country including some airgun celebrities. Gene Curtis and Bob Werner flew in as did Tommy Cupples (Jerry's brother) and Dave Dunn. We had rain on Friday when Dan Nelson and Dave Dunn came down to help me set up the tent and tables. Then a high wind right after the rain quit...but nothing could dampen our spirits as we set up for the biggest airgun shoot yet.  

On behalf of the NTAGM, I want to thank Sherri and her husband David for opening up their property to us once again. They happen to have planned their high school reunion on the same day and it would have been reasonable for them to have asked us to reschedule...but true to their nature they not only told us to go ahead with the event...they even brought some of their old classmates down to see us. Their future son-in-law also spent a lot of time with us and we were successful in creating a new airgun convert. Dan Nelson even gave him a starter gun to practice with until we meet again.

Thanks also to Jarrell McDonald for loaning us the table and tent and to Floyd for delivering, setting up and taking down the tent when we were finished. A lot of guys put in a lot of hours to make this event go off without a hitch. If I failed to mention you...take no offense. The 70s were rough on me.


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David showed up early with the targets. He does this every time we have a shoot and we all
appreciate him. We set them out at 25, 50, 75 and 100 yards. Gene and Bob
showed up early too. There was a lot of introductions and handshaking. Michael Plaxco from Smith and 
Wesson showed up and after some conversation it turned out he knew my Aunt Ruby in
Arizona well. Small worlds. 

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Michael tries out my TX200 with the Paul Bishop stock. Tommy does a little pistol shooting. David Enoch talks forget his name. David brought his moving target but would not let me shoot my .50 at it. :( 



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The best thing about these events is that you get the opportunity to try out several different guns. In fact, everyone is eager to share their guns and like to see people's reaction to their favorite toy. Tommy shared his LZH 46 with several people. 



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After watching Tommy shoot for a while, I, like the fool I am, challenged him to a friendly pistol competition.  Him with his LZH and me with my Hammerli; Luckily...neither one of us were on our game and proved once again that the gun is only as good as the guy who holds it. Matt showed up a little later and wasted no time sitting up.


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This is Patrick and Marley...Sherri's daughter and future son in law. They came down for a while and Patrick stayed to shoot with us. Here they are shooting the Dragon Slayer .50.

Okay...I am out of time. I would love to sit in front of the computer all evening
and write commentaries on all the pictures...but my neck hurts and I have a house to clean!! So 
enjoy the pictures!!

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Well...I have to say one more thing. Randall brought up 30 pounds of Texas Gulf shrimp and cooked us up a mess of it. This was one of the highlights of the day. He had all his dipping sauces and batters laid out and once you tried one of hung out at the grill looking sad until he gave you another. Thanks Randall.

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Check out the night scope on Randall's TX200 below. And who knew Matt could play and sing?

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SUNDAY...not so many people but lots of fun. There are some videos of different people shooting

the Dragon Slayer below.

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