Odd Job's Breech Project
Trying to come up with a new breech is hard enough. But what happens when you embark on making a repeater breech? Something very cool.
(Click on any image to enlarge)
Why am I doing it?...well for the challenge. I was a hobby machinist first
then I stumbled onto the CR forum. I started making simple non functioning
parts like muzzle breaks and bolt handles. I got more ambitious and made a
breech. Then I saw JimC's repeating breech on the CR forum, and thought I
would give it a go.
I liked/preferred the idea of a pawl (or hand) and camming arm to advance the
mag. Like a CR 38 except with a linear instead of a revolving mag. I made
a mockup in PVC to check clearances, and that goodness for that because
space is limited. (its made from 3/4" square alum). At first I was going to
use a friction spring to keep the mag from moving while the pawl was
returning to pickup the next index slot on the mag but decided to make a
little locking arm.
December 25 2005
Well I had some time off so it started in on my breech project again. Its been a while. Got a little sloppy and screwed up a few minor things. Metal is unforgiving and a single lapse in concentration can be a disaster. The screw ups were cosmetic so nobody will know but me. Thank goodness nothing major... I have WAY TOO many hours tied up in this thing.
Notice the tell tale slide like grooves. ;^)
To be continued....
And the Videos